We had the most random summer storm last week. It was hot, humid and definitely rainy (which we NEED her in California)! The boys were so excited to wear their rain boots and stomp around in puddles. Get Ryker’s look here: shirt // jeans // rain boots

Who doesn’t love Shark Week??? Get AFFORDABLE Shark Week outfits like Ryker and Grey here: Ryker: shirt // button-up // shorts // shoes // sunglasses Grey: shirt // button-up // shorts // shoes // sunglasses

Check out these Babiators! They are flexible and shatter proof. The boys are so hard on their glasses that they often literally He-Man break them while trying to put them on. These are so rubbery that they feel impossible to snap. They are also great for their little eyes in the […]

Guess what…you can climb trees in these Venettini loafers! Shirt // shorts // shoes // belt (this was Ryker’s Daddy’s belt when he was a little boy)
Climbing Shoes

Get the look here: shirts // jeans
Brothers in Bowling Shirts

Get Ryker’s look her: