We have been holding on to these shoes for MONTHS waiting for Grey to grow into them. The time has finally arrived and he was pumped! Get his look here:
Meet Hazel! She and Grey have an interesting relationship. He is head over heels for her! She adores him because he showers her hugs and kisses while at the same time hating him for showering her with hugs and kisses. Anyway…get the look here: Kid’s: Men’s:
Check out these Babiators! They are flexible and shatter proof. The boys are so hard on their glasses that they often literally He-Man break them while trying to put them on. These are so rubbery that they feel impossible to snap. They are also great for their little eyes in the […]
Meet baby Joe! Grey picked this little doll out at a toy store about 6 months ago, named him Joe, stripped off “his” purple outfit and literally thinks it’s his little brother. When I came across this picture of Chris Hemsworth with his baby, I just couldn’t resist introducing baby Joe. […]