Check out these Babiators! They are flexible and shatter proof. The boys are so hard on their glasses that they often literally He-Man break them while trying to put them on. These are so rubbery that they feel impossible to snap. They are also great for their little eyes in the […]
Meet baby Joe! Grey picked this little doll out at a toy store about 6 months ago, named him Joe, stripped off “his” purple outfit and literally thinks it’s his little brother. When I came across this picture of Chris Hemsworth with his baby, I just couldn’t resist introducing baby Joe. […]
I love the simplicity of this outfit. It doesn’t take a lot of thought or planning, is comfortable, and looks incredibly stylish. The pants are Carters (try these similar ones at H&M) and are actually too short in the “traditional” sense, meaning they hit above his ankle bone. I prefer the […]